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How to reinstall Windows 10 without losing data



If the Roll Back Driver button is greyed out in Device Manager, it means Windows couldn’t find any NVIDIA driver to which it can roll back to. In this case, you need to download and install the older version of an NVIDIA driver manually. Follow the on screen steps and Windows 10/11 will install the previous driver. NVIDIA drivers can be difficult to deal with. Sometimes they improve performance in games and applications, while other times they can cause blue screens, glitches, and stuttering. There are a couple of easy ways to install old NVIDIA drivers on Windows 10/11, anyone can do it.

  • Depending on your device, there are a couple of ways to try this fix.
  • During regular OS updates, Windows automatically downloads and installs drivers.
  • If the Windows 10 updates do not recognize a specific device and not download getting you driver updates, here is a solution.

Mouse settings resetting after every restart is a common bug in Windows 10. You may find that after downloading and upgrading your Windows system to Windows 10, the mouse works in an unusual manner. For instance, you may have the mouse scroll running backwards, slower/quicker speeds than your preferred mode, etc. After changing the mouse settings, everything turns out ok…for a while. Once you restart your PC it is back to square one with your default mouse settings.

Apps and Services Orbi App

@scottishwildcat I’ve always kept my NVIDIA graphics card up-to-date in Boot Camp through GeForce Experience—you’re definitely not restricted to Apple’s Boot Camp drivers. Indeed, this is true even if you’re running Windows under Boot Camp… Apple provides core drivers, currently up to OGL 4.3, depending on your card, of course, plus legacy drivers for OGL 2.1 compatibility. Which one you get to use in any particular game etc is up to the writers of that game.

I did the steps outlined above and it did clear my print que BUT now when I go to print a document it quickly shows up in the print que and then disappears and DOESNT PRINT! I did reset the network connection to the wireless thinking that might help but it’s doing the same. Is it complaining about some other kind of fault? There are a lot of things that can stop a printer from printing, and nine times out of ten, it’s one of those issues that gets in the way. The contents of /var/lib/docker/, including images, containers, volumes, and networks, are preserved. If you do not need to save your existing data, and want to start with a clean installation, refer to the uninstall Docker Enginesection at the bottom of this page.

WinDriver Uninstallation Instructions

Adjust the mode, brightness, contrast, sepia, and saturation (“grayscale”) settings. This can be used to better suit your screen parameters and the lighting in the room. It’s becoming a written rule now that upgrading your kernel can’t break graphics acceleration by mandating newer firmware for released hardware…

Troubleshoot the Nvidia Installer

There are different controls available for each hardware. To change system settings and other things, you have to rely on other methods. Many OEMs develop software that could give users more control over features that run on top of the driver. Nvidia offers a control panel which can help you optimize few display settings. After removing the driver from the device manager, it’s a good idea to remove OEM software as well.


Select any of the options at your convenience and let the software do the work. Note that your screen may go black for some time while DDU is removing the drivers, so that is perfectly normal. For more detailed info, you can head over here.

